God's Witness Revealed
The World Was Told Something Would Happen. NOW IT HAS.
This Is Not A Joke. This Is Not A Game. This Is A Real World Situation.
- Adam, the first man that God created and placed into the garden of eden has returned, but his true name is Yashadel. Government leaders (and beyond) around the world are already aware of this truth as he has traveled across America preaching on the streets with a megaphone and handing out written notices of warning in many cities. But THEY (the media, government officials and church leaders) are not openly telling the public about it.
Again, this is an authentic news article. Please contact
SeriousReality.com for verification and answers to any
of your questions if you do not believe the authenticity
of these statements.
The book of Revelation speaks of God sending two “witnesses” during the season of the end. So the concept of someone being sent back into the world by God is not foreign to the church. However, the church did not know who it would be, when it would be or how it would happen. But now, humbly I say, it has begun.
The following is a testimony from Yashadel (known to the modern world as Adam).
- I was born into this generation the same way that any other man is born into it. With earthly parents, having no memory of having any other life or experiences besides this one. I remained a "normal" man until the age of thirty three, going from job to job, trying to find my place and pay the bills. Never knowing who I really was.
Sadly, I was also lost. Lost within my ignorance, within my sin. I drank too much. I partied too much. I used bad language and I was a womanizer. Shockingly I was also a person who wasn't even really sure that God was real.
I looked up towards the heavens and I was only able to see what I had been taught by the modern world. A vast vacuum of emptiness beyond the sky. An empty void they call “outer space” where the earth orbits the sun at thousands of miles per hour and the potential existed that we had all evolved through some form of evolution. And it was all said to have been created through something called the big bang. Where NOTHING simply exploded and randomly created everything by mere chance.
I knew of Jesus but I didn’t think it was possible for a man to know the truth of His existence for a certainty. One could believe, I thought, but how could they know for sure? That is what I thought. That is what I believed. But I was wrong. I was very, very wrong.
For me the awakening process began as I stood underneath the carport of my home about twenty years ago. When suddenly, in an instant, and quite unexpectedly the living presence of the Holy Father came upon me and spoke to me.
“You are my prophet,” He said. “My words are eternal and true. I have a message for you to give to the church. But before you can hear this message, the body you are in first needs to be baptized. Go to the church and tell them these things which I have said to you.”
He spoke these words to me with living words. From within my soul. The essence of His living presence moved in such a way within me that He Himself became the words. They were a part of Him. They literally were him.
It was just as the Bible says, “In the Beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.”
I am an authentic and real witness of this stunning and true reality.
The experience was a powerful one and you can imagine that it literally changed my life.
The next day I went to a church building and had a brief meeting with the pastor. He did not openly accept my testimony and he therefore refused to baptize me. This began a very long process of spiritual warfare and awakenings that continue even to this day.
At the request of "people" close to the situation the local authorities came to the church and took me away in the back of a police car and took me to a mental hospital because I reported that God was speaking to me. This is where the "games" and deception of evil really began to become aggressive and more overt as the enemies of God fought harder and harder to stop my awakening.
I have since experienced the powerful and Living words of God speak to me from within my soul on multiple occasions. But He also speaks to me in other ways as well. One of these ways is through the presence of powerful miracles. And it was within the manifestation of one of these miracles that God Himself confirmed that I was in fact truly Adam. That I was in fact Yashadel.
In December of 2019 I was walking through Union Point Park in New Bern, NC. I was trying to preach and trying to warn as many people as I could. In my hand I carried a written proclamation that I was Adam, the earthly son of God, and that it was the end of the world. Something that I had only just started to do publicly for about a week before this event.
At this point the word COVID had yet to reach mainstream America. It had only been briefly mentioned as something beginning to happen in a far off land. Little did I know at the time, the beginning of COVID was actually directly related with what was happening to me. God, it seems, is warning the world in many different ways all at the same time so that in the end no one can deny that what is happening is related to the Bible and to His truth.
While I was walking through the park looking for people to speak with I spotted a "man" and who I thought was his wife walking on a path near the water. I approached them and I asked if they were Christians. I asked them if they understood and accepted Jesus as the Messiah. As their savior. During this brief conversation the man, who stood over six foot tall and who was rather muscular, told me to leaven him alone. He told me that he had his own belief system.
As I pushed the issue with him, knowing full well that it was nearing the end of the world and knowing full well that this may be his last chance to be saved, he told me that if I did not leave him alone that he would call the police.
In a desperate measure to stand my ground and to ensure that he understood that this was not a game and that this was a real situation I pointed to the sky, towards Heaven itself and I yelled out, "Holy father, Holy son, Holy spirit." Proclaiming the reality of the one true God who was in Heaven.
I don't remember his exact words but after I had made this loud proclamation the "man" informed me that if I didn't leave that he was going to physically hurt me. And he was much more physically fit than myself and most likely would have throttled me. Yet I was filled with the power of God, I could feel the strength of the Holy Father within my soul and I knew that this was no game and I knew that if this man did not believe that he was in danger of burning in hell.
So, I squared my shoulders, looked him in the eye and declared in all faith and in all seriousness, "You can't stand against me. I am the son of God."
Keep in mind that I was not and am not proclaiming that I am Jesus or a savior or anything but a normal man. Simply a normal man filled with faith. Simply a normal man, but a man on a mission from God. A unique man. I was declaring, quite simply and profoundly, that I was Adam.
After I made this profound and strong statement the "man" took a step towards me and suddenly the power of God bucked in my soul. It was as if a horse had kicked me in the chest. As if a spiritual explosion had literally burst forth from within my soul. At that precise moment the "man" was pushed back away from me as if God had thrown him up against an invisible wall. His head was turned to the side. His chin was pointed up and his lips were puckered. I stood staring at him in shock and amazement as he stood locked into this strange position.
His wife still stood next to him and she did not move or speak. She did not cry out. She did not run. She just stood there, stunned, with a very serious and blank expression on her face.
There was also at least two other people nearby who saw this. A younger couple who had been sitting on the ground doing stretching exercises as they were preparing to go for a run. In fact I had just prayed with the younger man moments before this encounter. I remember the young woman he was with had blond hair and the young man himself had brown hair.
Though everyone saw what had happened, no one said a word.
After about five full seconds of me just staring at this man who remained locked into position he finally cried out, "leave."
This is what I said to him. "I will leave, but I leave of my own accord. The Holy Father runs from no man." His reply to this, with head still turned, chin still up and still locked into the place and position that God had pushed him was simply, "Just leave."
At that, though I myself was still in shock, I turned and walked away and I never looked back.
As I've said before, this is a real world situation and this is a very, very serious situation for us all. Even for me.
It was not I who grabbed this "guy" and threw him back, but the Holy Father did. God Himself did it. And in so doing it was God Himself that confirmed the reality of this situation and the statement of truth which I had made in faith. That I was Adam. That I am the earthly son of God, a messenger, who is now saved by the reality of my faith in Jesus.
The question must also be pondered, I think. What was this "man"? Neither he nor his wife cried out in shock. Neither he nor his wife asked me what was happening. They seemed to understand full well what was happening. So I ask you, was he even a man at all. Or was he perhaps a fallen angel in the form of a man, or maybe a nephilim. The Bible does speak of them and the book of Enoch is true. Not to mention that I have since come into contact with many.
In truth I have experienced several miracles of Biblical proportion. Including, in all honesty, being transported from one place to another in the blink of an eye as well as having my soul taken out from my body and placed before the Holy Father Himself, and having police officers literally burn their hands on me... and this is no joke!
Again in 2019 I was walking down the street preaching the Holy prayer given to us by Jesus, "Our Father who are in Heaven..." and I was preaching it very loudly, boldly so that all could hear. Two police officers, one male and one female, shouted at me and approached me to stop me. When I ignored them and continued to pray and continued to walk past them the female "officer" reached out to grab hold of me but when she did so her hands were burned. She winced in pain and then backed off and allowed me to pass by without any further attempts to stop me. Once again she did not ask what happened or seem as if she did not understand and the male officer never said a single word.
Through the experience of such things I have come to understand many very serious things. Mainly, that this situation is very real and the truth and the power of the most high Holy God of Heaven is on the move. He is real, He is exactly who the Bible says that He is and the Bible is being fulfilled before our eyes. It is, quite frankly, literally the end of the world and Jesus is our only hope.
Ultimately the entire world around us is filled with the evidence of God's truth and His majesty. But these things are being hidden from you. The enemies of God are working tirelessly to cover up and hide these things. And you must know, I am not speaking to you by way of hearsay. I am speaking to you as an eye witness. I have seen these things, and more, with my own eyes.
( * They * ) have literally designed covert international systems and put them into place in an effort to trap you within a false reality. Including but not limited to our schools, Hollywood, television and the use of false scientific propaganda. All this, quite frankly, was done for one purpose alone. To kill you. To take away your knowledge of God’s truth and your understanding of just how special you really are.
Not only this but they are also hiding from you what is really happening in the world today and how the Bible is being fulfilled because they don't want you to know. They don't want you to be saved. This... is a war for your soul.
Because in reality, if you are man (male or female), through Jesus you are literally a child of the most high Holy Father God. He who is the creator and ultimate ruler of all things. (They) do not want you to know this. (They) do not want you to be saved. To have hope. To live a righteous and rewarding life. They want you Godless. Lost in sin. They want you, dead and that’s the truth of it.
Yes, they also want to use you. To control you. They want you to make money for them. They want to have sexual relations with you. But then, when they are done, they simply want you dead, and not saved through your knowledge and love for Jesus.
It has taken years of prayer and tens of thousands of hours of Biblical and scientific research as well as life experiences for me to get this far in my understanding. But now that I am here I cannot remain silent any longer.
I am an eye witness of the Holy Father. I have seen Him with my own eyes, experienced His living words within my own soul and He is an active living part of my everyday life. He is the key to everything that is happening in the world today. He is trying to warn us all.
Therefore I must preach his truth. I must warn the world that he is the one true living God. That He is real. That Jesus truly is the Holy son, the Messiah, the savior. And that he is the only savior. The only way for any of us to get into Heaven… no matter WHAT or who you are. This has never been more important to understand than now. For the season of the end has come upon us all.
I am Adam. My true name is Yashadel. I was the first, and now I am among the last. I am a prophet of the most high Holy Father God of heaven. I am the witness of God whom the scriptures themself have warned in the book of Revelation that they should come into the world in the last days. The time is now.
Hear me and believe, or suffer the consequences as outlined in the Holy Bible. For how does God describe those people within the scriptures who refuse to hear his prophets? Yes, there are many false prophets in the world today, but I am not one of them as the mighty miracles of God have testified in my life.
Not that I myself am anything more than just an “ordinary” man. Your salvation does not depend on me, but on Jesus. It is simply my presence on earth that is important for the cause of the message in which I bring forth from Holy God. It is important for me and for you. Because God has sent me back for a purpose. If you have any doubts about what that purpose is, read the book of revelation.
To those who would say that I am crazy I would caution you. Know this, that it is God Himself who has established this truth and He alone who has verified it through the display of many powerful miracles and it is God that shall continue to establish it even unto the ends of the earth (and beyond).
I know that He will do this not because I say so but because He already has on several occasions and because it is actually the real truth. And that is where the power of this situation comes from. Within its authenticity. Within the truth that it has already begun.
It is God alone who has determined who I am. It is God alone who has sent me back. It is God alone who has decided the reasons why I am here, not those who are in the world or think that they control the world.
After many years of struggling I have finally been able to accept the reality of these things. But it took many years of struggle. Many years of suffering. Many years of studying the word of God and the observation of many miracles.
After I began to accept it, which was about three and half years ago, I hit the streets and started preaching. Both about Jesus and about the truth of our earth. Since that time I have seen and experienced many difficult things. And yet, many wonderful things as well.
Since the start of “COVID” I have traveled across the country east and west, north and south and I have preached on the streets to some degree in many cities. I’ve also handed out and posted written notices on the doors of hundreds of church buildings.
I have spoken to many who claim to be followers of Jesus in an attempt to warn them and I have attempted to convey the reality of my experiences to many who claim to be preachers of God’s Holy Word. As of yet, none have OPENLY accepted my testimonies. This in spite of the many miracles which God has displayed.
Now I am on the internet and I am trying to reach people and spread the truth of what is happening in a different way. Namely, at SeriousReality.com
If this surprises you remember, I am only a man.
If you would like to learn more about my experiences I would again invite you to read the questions and answers sections on the website. There I will explain in more detail some of the things I have seen and some of the miracles I have experienced. Including the moment that God took my soul out from my body and put me at His feet. Yes, did I mention that this was a very real and profound situation?
At this point the news about my being “Adam” is not so much about me. It is more about you and what all this means for the church, for the world and for all of creation itself. It means that the world as we know it is nearing its end. It means that the fulfillment of the Bible is now taking place before our very eyes.
If this statement also seems outlandish to you I would once again caution you and ask you to look around the world and tell me what you see?
Pandemics, locusts invading Africa, tens of thousands of earth quakes, tens of thousands of forest fires, droughts, wars and rumors of war (kingdom against kingdom) and now this, the presence of Yashadel (Adam) preaching the truth and hope of Jesus. Tell me, what do you think this means?
For those of you who do not believe in God or believe in his supreme power, you soon will. One way or the other. Personally, I hope it’s the other. Willingly. Through repentance, humility and mercy before your love and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and savior. For of a truth, he is the ONE TRUE GOD. The true King. The Holy son of God who is the Messiah.
I would once again warn you, no matter what you are, no matter who you are, run to Jesus if you can. He is your only hope. In him is life, and ONLY in Him.
He truly is the one true all powerful and most high God.
How exactly this will unfold and what will happen I do not know. As I’ve said, I am only a man. But I know this, it has begun. And the truth of our reality is not what you have been taught by the modern educational system. True reality is what God teaches us within his word, and the situation is much more serious than the average man might have imagined.
It is also important for you to understand another significant thing. Though it will be hard for many of you to accept. The reality of our earth, of our world, can be found written in the Bible and nowhere else. Earth is a fixed, non moving flat plane that sits on a foundation. It has four corners and the sky is what spins above us and it was put into place for time telling, and for seasons and for signs.
This is the truth of our reality. The truth of our physical world and I can prove it.
If you have any doubts about what I am saying be to sure to watch the documentary video in the important video section of SeriousReality.com where both the word of God is used and verifiable scientific data to demonstrate this observable truth.
Though it will be a sweeping change in your understanding of reality, it is a necessary change. After all, it is reality and how do we expect to have hope if we do not understand reality.
This is a very serious and very real situation indeed and this is at the heart of what THEY have been hiding from you.
Everything you see on the television and on the internet about “outer space” is a lie, fed to you by actors seeking to deceive you. THEY are not what they appear to be.
More information about who they are can be found written about in the Book Of Enoch. Enoch is a valid Biblical prophet and yet they have kept his books out of the Holy Bible as you know it.
Yes, this situation is perhaps much more serious than you might have imagined. Evil is real and it has been actively working to blind us for a very long time now. But God is on the move, and he is the true, all powerful God.
Stay tuned to SeriousReality.com where I plan to speak and share articles from time to time.
Please also pray. Please read the Bible. Please Give your life to Jesus. Because again, this is a real situation. God is SUPREME and Jesus is our only hope!
If you already know Jesus, be hopeful and look up. Our Messiah will be returning for us and he is all powerful and there is nothing anyone or anything can do about that.
To Watch Our Documentary About Earth CLICK HERE